Strange week.
The formal social on Friday was bound to be a bittersweet affair. Alex left to move back to Bournemouth on Saturday, so Friday was his last night and the last time we're going to see him until graduation. During the bit at university, I stuck with Gary, Annie, Haydn, Rachel and Liam. So it was us three girls and our boyfriends. Some of whom aren't as nice as others. Looking at you, Liam. It was a really nice evening. Moy made a little speech and teared up. Ben read out a flash fiction and Alex explained the concept behind his box which he handed in. It was lovely meeting his parents. And drinking as much free wine as Adrian and Moy would pour for us. Then we went to the Jonty. Had a giggle with Jesus and Ben. Told Tom everything and tried not to cry when Alex said goodbye. Drunk Moy was hilarious how she was horrified by Gary's stretcher in his ear. It was a fitting end, and it was all really nice. We ended up back at our house with fifteen cheesy dippers and lots to talk about.
Alton Towers was disastrous for about half an hour. Everyone dropped out an hour before we were due to meet. So we pulled some strings, figured it out, made a plan and it ended up that Kim went with her parents and me, Ben and Tom went together. And it was fucking brilliant. It honestly couldn't have been a better day. I love those two and the conversations we have. There was no tension, because as Tom put it 'it's nice, because, you know, we all like each other'. Lots of inside jokes, especially Tom's first ride on Hex. And Squirrel Nutty being the highlight of the day. We managed to get on Oblivion, Thirteen, Nemesis, Nemesis Sub Terra, Duel and Hex, and we went round the aquarium. Queues weren't too horrific, I think the longest we waited was for Sub Terra, and sorely regretted it as it wasn't brilliant. The photo's were hilarious. It was such a good day, and in the end, it turned out for the best that it was just us three.
Since then, I've not really done much. Spent time with people. Annie and Rachel came round on Monday to watch girly films and eat our body weight in cheese puffs, popcorn and chocolate. I had counselling on Tuesday morning, and Rik was really nice. Unfortunately, so I could be seen quicker, I'm not able to see him for the next three weeks, so I have a woman called Billie. Although she'll have all the details, so I'm hoping it'll help. Yesterday I spent the day with Annie after having my eyeforpharma interview. I aced it, and was sent a writing assessment so they can get the style of my writing and see if it's suitable for the site. Hopefully it will be since it's £30 per published article and I'll be doing two per week. So yeah, me and Annie bought make up and had a lengthy chat about everything. Then last night Aden invited Tom and Emma round to watch films and drink. Kim made everything so awkward. Fortunately, she's gone to Alton Towers again with her other friends, and by the time she gets back I'll be getting fat in TGI Friday's with Gary.
I'm feeling a bit more positive. Of course there is some underlying sadness. The other day I went to Gary's and set Spyro up on his computer, and noticed a little date written on his whiteboard with nothing next to it. I could only assume it was the date of his departure. Ended up in tears once again, because in all honesty, I didn't want to know. Fortunately, he's gained an extra week, due to the original date making him leave before results day. But it's still painful to think about. I'm trying to disconnect myself from him slightly, but it's not working. I doubt it ever will.
This next week is a busy one. Tonight is TGI's date with Gary to celebrate his university ending today after his climate exam. My sister also did her first exam today in sociology and apparently it went well. Very pleased for them both! This weekend I'll probably spend it at Gary's. Monday night is Jesus's birthday shin dig, Monday Mosh, should be good. Tuesday is the quiz at the Jonty, because we're missing it, and we want to do it whilst people are still around. Wednesday Aden has organised a murder mystery dinner. He's cooking, eek! And it's Egyptian themed. It should be a good laugh. Then who knows beyond that. Hopefully spend some time with other people too. A few of them are heading down to London for Expo next Friday for the weekend and after that I'm home for a few days for Mum's birthday and Rhod Gilbert. Lots of stuff coming up!