Tuesday 28 December 2010


time has flown at a speed i cannot control. these 365 days are almost over.

best friend. high heels. falling over. being picked up. sober heart to hearts. drunken heart to hearts. pepperoni pizza. birthdays. time away. lanzarote. ash clouds. going slightly insane. rushing around. writing. reading. realising the truth about certain people. new friends. faces. bitching in the toilets. serious chats in the takeaway. a dark fairy. tinie tempah. kisses. hugs. those 'i shouldn't have done that' moments. severing ties. finding old friends again. train journeys. ripped tights. lecturers and lectures. blue note. cocktails. babylon. two b's and two c's. isolation. him, and him and him and him and him. live music. glowsticks. uv paint. blackberry 3g. cheeseburgers at 3am. little sister. two jobs in three months. confidence. lyrics. inspiration. tequila sunrise. silly photos. facebook messages. texts. cinema trips. coursework and racking my brains. hand in day. promises that didn't amount. grand plans. twilight parodies. cold nights. foggy mornings. snow. sheffield. leeds. manchester. scarborough. derby. ticket stubs and wristbands. fresh early morning air. books and libraries. shot glasses. communal lipgloss and fancy underwear. city lights. holding hands. drunken sing a longs at six in the morning. the night i spilled those secrets. bonds that won't ever be broken. that feeling of complete contentment.

looking back, i've loved every second.