Wednesday 14 March 2012

real big plans & such bad thoughts.

Finally getting excited for You Me At Six. I don't want to sound ungrateful, because I love my dad and the fact that he's taken me to gigs since I was 13 is incredible, but these days I don't get excited about gigs like I used to. I love going. The atmosphere and getting lost in the music for a couple of hours and I love going to other cities for gigs, I like the journey there and back, the anticipation and the reflection. But, these days I don't get the butterflies and the heart racing excitement that I used to. I genuinely think the last time I felt that excited to see a band was Avenged Sevenfold in November 2010. So it's been a while. But yeah, as much as me and Kim aren't seeing eye to eye recently, my sister is hyping me up, sending me the lyrics and such every day.

Whilst we're on musical topics, LEEDS FESTIVAL, I COULD CRY. My sister and her bff, Jess are going. She's going to see my favourite band before I do. My plan is to cry to Gary when he gets back on Saturday/Sunday (depending on times/flight delays) and see if I can persuade him to go on the Friday with me. It's possible, line up wise, he loves The Gaslight Anthem and Bullet For My Valentine. It's just money and location that might be the impossible. But yeah, Foo Fighters. FOO FIGHTERS. It's making me distraught just thinking about it. First World problems right here. But yeah, for the band I have adored since I heard 'Best of You' in 2003 (before even my FOB/AAR/MCR days) it's a big deal. I missed them in '07 when my dad took my mum instead of me and when they did stadiums the other year, no one wanted to go with me. So yeah. Gary did promise a couple of months ago that when they toured, he'd take me, and technically, a festival isn't a tour, but I'm enduring Enter Shitkari for him next week, so hopefully he'll have a rush of generosity.

Anyway, three days till he's baaaack! Today has been the turning point. I miss him, not gonna lie. But I'm at the stage where it's not horrible anymore and I'm getting excited to see him again and talk to him. It's a bit longer till I see him (Monday), but I've missed talking to him more than anything. We talk every day, and it's been strange not having the usual 'night babe' bbm before bed, but I'm used to it now. Had a mini cry this morning and then cheered up a lot. It is horrid, sitting by myself in my room, but I've been here a couple of hours today and I'm fine. I'm just excited for Sunday daytime when he's conscious from the flight and sleep and stuff and I can actually talk to him. Eeeee. And we're leaving the hotel early on Monday, because A, we have to, and B, I'm dragging them to the station so I can go get my much needed cuddles and kisses. Christ, when did I become so soppy? Ew.

Going out tonight with Tom. Should be fun. As long as Kim and Annie don't murder each other across the table. But yeah, should be a laugh. Have a decent amount of money to spend after I did some quick calculations about the remains of my loan and how much I'll need for each event next week and printing and binding my independent study - WHICH IS NOW FINISHED. Aw yeah. Just needs formatting, printing and I need to sort my appendix, but that's Friday's/Saturday's job. To be honest, that is going to be the worst and stressful part. I loathe printing with a passion. But then I have to get it bound too at Rymans. Then it's over. Lovely.

Talked to Moy today about how insecure I've been feeling about my writing after the wonderful Julia slagged off my work. Moy's been lovely about it and counteracted everything that was said and has sorted A Flash Flood of Colour out for me pretty much, just the ending needs work. So after all the heartache that's gone into this story, I can finally say, it's going in the portfolio and it will be as good as the others.

It's been a weird couple of days. I'm looking forward to tonight. Tom's been my friend since first year and we've always cheered each other up, similar sense of humours are a great thing and we bounce off one another. Alcohol and Wetherspoons chips doused in mayo are calling me. Then tomorrow we have a mass afternoon workshop session, which my favourite people are attending and then not much till Sunday's gig. A lot of stressing and printing and excitement on Saturday at the prospect of Gary being homeeee. (: