Sunday 25 July 2010

19 ain't so different....

Last night was such a good laugh. 19th kicked my 18th scrawny, shitty behind.

24th July 2009, I was close with a girl who's done me more harm than good. Mentally. Constant put downs do that to a person's already shattered self esteem. Fast forward to 2010, where I've been pulled into a new friendship group. These are much more positive people and I want to be around them, I look forward to going out and love that it's not always down to me to arrange things. With her, it always was. I invited her this year, and she claimed to have 'family shit' going down. If I'm honest, I'm glad she didn't come. I didn't want to endure the shitty clubs she so enjoys and have to listen to her bitch about the girls that have been there for me for the past six or so months.

24th July 2010 started at Yates with no awkward silences and tension in the air. We sat around a table and laughed and joked and drank a lot. Alicia brought her boyfriend, who's ended up with a stamp of approval because he's lovely. Everyone was happy, especially when the pitchers of purple rain appeared, and all the daft pictures really show it. I caught up with a few people from school in Babylon and drank silly amounts of doubles and cocktails. Granted, we had the half hour drama at the end of the night when William lost his jacket and some guy tried it on with Liz. It's safe to say we found the jacket and had a few tears but it's nothing a kebab couldn't sort out.

I can honestly say, everyone asked me if I'd had a good birthday, and every time I answered with a 'yeah'. Not a half arsed lie, a genuine truth.

Nineteen sounded way older than eighteen. I thought I wouldn't be able to act as daft as I did. But I can. I'm still a teenager. Old enough to be taken seriously, and young enough to get away with acting like an idiot and doing stupid things. It sounds so deep for a birthday, but I think getting a year older is going to teach me something. I'm starting to shed the people I don't need in life and I think nineteen is going to be the year to do that, cut all those ties for good and move on.

Eighteen treated me pretty well, but I think nineteen's going to do one better.